Chin fillers are a very popular treatment in our Sidcup clinic. Chin filler is probably one of the most understated filler treatments, so subtle yet so effective. It is an important treatment when considering profile balancing.
Many clients have a recessive chin or a lower third of their chin which can be improved. The chin is also important for the appearance of a defined jawline. Chin filler paired with jaw Botox is an amazing treatment for clients who aren't suitable for jaw filler but desire a more defined jawline.
As women age, our skull rotates, with the chin moving backward, the bone and soft tissue in the chin area dissolves, leaving us with reduced structural support in that area. This has a flow on effect to our neck and jowls. It is easy to replace the structural support that has been lost with dermal filler.
Some people were born with a great profile including a well projected chin, and others were born with underdeveloped or recessive chins whose appearance could be improved. For those who weren’t born with the perfect chin, it is simple to just inject them with chin fillers to improve the appearance.
We offer chin filler treatments in our clinic in Bexley.

Size of the Chin - It is very easy to enlarge patients chins with dermal filler.
Length of the Chin - Some clients are too short in the chin. this is easily remedied with dermal filler injections to lengthen the chin improving front and side profile.
Projection of the Chin - It is very common for clients to present with recessive chins on profile. Dermal filler can be injected to make a stronger more projected chin.
Shape of the Chin - Some clients need more length, width, more angular, less angular chins. Some clients think their chins are too pointy, these chins can be made more round. Some clients think that their chins are too square and we can make these look more round. Some clients want a more pointy, V-shaped, angular appearance to their chin. The client will be assessed and the practitioner will have a discussion with the client about their anatomy, and how it can be improved.
Skin of the Chin - This can be improved with dermal filler or skin boosters.
Symmetry of the Chin - Asymmetry of the chin can be improved with dermal filler treatment.
Chin Dimples - Some clients have a dip in their chin, often referred to as "bum chin". Dermal filler can fill these dips for a more rounded, smoother chin.

Often clients will ask. “how much chin filler do I need?”. The dose required for chin filling is very variable. Some clients will be satisfied with 0.5ml, others will need 1-2mls to get the results that they want.
The practitioner will assess the face and decide on the best dose after taking a history and examining the client. If a client has a history of complications with dermal fillers, or if their budget is small or if they want a more subtle result, then a smaller dose might be chosen to start with.
With chins, the most we would consider injecting in 1 session would be 1ml. If more is required, another session may be required at a later date.
Usually 0.5ml is enough when correcting small imperfections like a dimple or slight asymmetry. Also maintaining a previously filled chin usually only requires 0.5ml. Changing the shape of the chin for facial balancing would usually require a higher dose.
After the practitioner at Dani Louise Aesthetics has discussed your chin enhancement goals, the chin area will be cleaned thoroughly with alcohol and a numbing cream such as EMLA or LMX will be applied.
The chin is usually injected with a fine needle, however in some instances a cannula may be used. When a cannula is the chosen method of injection, a small needle pierces the skin to create an entry point for the blunt cannula.
Most clients find chin filler to be reasonably comfortable, however you will feel a slight pressure when the filler is being injected that can be a strange feeling at first but totally normal. This pressure subsides pretty soon after treatment.

The effect of the dermal filler will be noticeable immediately. There may be redness and swelling. the chin may have a more “sharp” look about it, but when the swelling goes down after 2 days, the sharpness will reduce and give way to a more natural appearance. Clients may like the swelling in the first couple of days.
No makeup for 4 hours
No heavy exercise that day
No face products for 24 hours
No spas or saunas for 1 week post treatment
Try not to lean on chin when sitting at desk, watching TV etc